Category Archives: Advertisers

Forgot my advertiser password
If you are trying to access your Advertiser account and the system is not recognizing your password you may reset the password by clicking Forgot Password.
Enter your email address asso...

Cancel my Advertiser account
If you wanted to close your account because you no longer need the service or other reasons you may cancel your account inside the panel. Click ‘Preferences’ and select ‘Cance...

How to register as an advertiser
There are 3 easy steps to register an account for Advertiser. To begin click the ‘LOGIN’ button up at the top. Below the login for Advertisers click the ‘Register Here‘ to continue.
Step1. Ent...

Creating Private Ads in my Advertiser account
Note: This article applies to the Admailr Private Marketplace Only
Login to your Advertiser account and create a banner ad for your private campaigns for use in your publisher account. Click &...