
Admailr Management – Private Marketplace
for Publishers

Manage directly sold ads in email

Hosted email ad serving platform that streamlines your ad management for delivering ads to email newsletters.
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Complete toolkit
to manage your ads for an email subscriber audience

Better control
of how many impressions you will have available to sell to your direct advertisers and better control of who you are serving them to.

One central place 
to manage all of your directly sold ads and publications (newsletters).

Total revenue optimization
that allows the Admailr Exchange to compete against your directly sold ads in realtime, so you’ll get the most revenue for every ad impression.

How Admailr Delivers Ads

Each piece of inventory you create in Admailr Management
is called an ad unit and can be targeted by one or more ad campaigns.

These ad units represent spaces in your content where you intend to deliver ads.

For each ad unit, Admailr Management generates ad tags, which are snippets of HTML. You place these tags into your email where you want the space to be filled.

When a subscriber reads your email content, the tags identify each ad unit and request ads from Admailr.

For each ad request, Admailr Management chooses the best ad from among the campaigns you’ve created, delivers the ad, and records the event.

If the user clicks on the ad, Admailr Management records that too. Reporting shows you which ads were served to which email campaign, how many clicks they got, and much more.

Differences in Admailr for Publishers

Admailr Monetize

Admailr Management – Private Marketplace

You can traffic directly sold ads No, you can only monetize based on the Admailr Network Yes, and you can backfill with the Admailr Network
You pay a fee to use the platform No, Admailr pays you based on clicks on a Net30 Yes, fees are based on impressions. If you backfill with the Admailr Network we will also pay you based on clicks on a Net30. The payment can be applied to your impression fee.
You can serve Admailr Ads Yes Yes