
Content Policy

Admailr does not allow the promotion of products containing the following types of content or subject matter, regardless of claims of legality:


  • Ad text advocating against an organization, person, or group of people
  • Ads and associated websites advocating against a protected group. A protected group is distinguished by one of the following: race or ethnic origin, color, national origin, religion, disability, sex, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity
  • Attempts to revise history against the interests of a protected group
  • The promotion of self-harm and violence against people or animals


  • Sexually suggestive text, images or situations
  • Nudity (full, partial or implied)
  • Prostitution (direct solicitation or implied)
  • Abortion related advertisements or messaging

Inappropriate Language

  • Profanity
  • Inflammatory political or non political text


  • The sale of hard alcohol and liquor
  • The branding of hard alcohol **
  • Alcoholic beverages like beer, cider, sake, wine, sparkling wine, champagne **
  • Alcohol making kits **
  • Brick-and-mortar alcoholic establishments **
  • Alcohol-centric establishments like bars, pubs, or nightclubs **

Tobacco and Related Products

  • Tobacco
  • Cigarettes
  • Tobacco alternatives that contain no tobacco including Electronic cigarettes (even if promoted as quit smoking aid)
  • Cigars, Cigarillos
  • Tobacco pipes, rolling papers, vaporizers

Healthcare and Medicine

  • Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia content
  • Herbal or dietary supplements that contain active or potentially hazardous ingredients
  • Products that imply or claim to match the effectiveness of approved or prescription drugs

Weapons and Ammunition

  • Ads promoting the sale of firearms or firearm components, fighting knives, stun guns, etc.

Online Gambling or Online Casino-Related

  • Online gambling, sports betting, bingo, lotteries, and online casino games
  • Gambling-related promotional products such as gambling-related vouchers, bonus codes, etc.
  • Gambling-related tutoring and educational materials such as books and e-books
  • Gambling-related software such as gambling software and poker odds calculators
  • Gambling-related information such as tips, odds, handicapping, and sports picks
  • Online scratch games run by state, national, or Indian reservations
  • Sale of Animal and Wildlife Products
  • Payday or cash offers
  • Content related to racial intolerance or advocacy against any individual, group, or organization
  • Hacking/cracking
  • Distribution of pre-written term papers or student essays
  • Any other content that is illegal, promotes illegal activity, or infringes on the legal rights of others


Should an Advertiser or Partner be categorizing the Advertiser, Campaign or Creative, they must do so accurately using IAB Tier 1 categories at a minimum. Additionally, should an Advertisement contain or mention a politician, it must be classified as political.

** Advertisements may be allowed but must be pre-approved by Admailr and Admailr Publisher’s.


Any requests for campaign launches and creative changes received after 3 pm EST will not be executed until the next business day.

Admailr may cancel, disallow or block an Advertiser at any time for any reason even if the Advertiser or Partner received  prior approval for the Advertiser, campaign or creative.

  • Admailr may notify the advertiser, but is not under any obligation do so
  • Admailr may offer an advertiser an opportunity to correct the issue, but is under no obligation to do so
  • Advertiser is responsible for all media fees incurred
  • Admailr may change this policy at any time

Admailr requires ads be truthful, accurate, and up-to-date at the time they’re first shown to users.

  • Creatives advertising sweepstakes and contests must be legally compliant and contain all relevant details, including rules and disclosures.
  • All advertising claims must be factually supportable.
  • All discounts and offers in your ad must be up-to-date and must match the content on your website
  • All advertised products, prices, offers, and discounts must be available on your site, at most two clicks away from your landing page, or through a basic search on your site
  • Users must be able to perform the ad’s call to action – if any – on the site, within 2 clicks of the landing page
  • Any pricing information in ads must comply with local regulations concerning inclusion of tax and other applicable charges
  • Pop-up windows are prohibited
  • Displaying a confirmation dialog to leave a page or advertiser site is prohibited
  • Redirecting to another site/domain regardless of the affiliation to the advertisers site without clear indication is prohibited
  • Any other practices, that may degrade or otherwise impact negatively the consumer experience are prohibited

Campaigns and creative may be cancelled under the any of the following design conditions:

  • Creative is confused with page content, no border
  • Poor quality of images or text
  • No brand and/or vague messaging
  • Resembles Windows, Unix, Mac, or any device or OS dialog boxes.
  • Ads can’t simulate email inbox notifications
  • Simulate fake interactivity
  • Poor grammar or spelling
  • Banner creative clashes with site or landing page
  • Advertiser site is not consistent with the offer
  • Copyrighted/trademarked material may not be used without the consent of the copyright or trademark holder, unless otherwise permitted