User talk:Camelia.boban
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Hi Camelia.boban,
when speedy-tagging files as duplicate, such as File:Ostia antica 187.JPG, you should provide the name of the other version. Otherwise nothing will happen. --Túrelio (talk) 14:48, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
- Thank you, I proceeded. Can you check that everything is ok? --Camelia.boban (talk) 17:05, 6 February 2011 (UTC)
Un Lieu sur Terre, place de la Halle 38710 Mens — Preceding unsigned comment added by Radio Dragon Un Lieu sur Terre, place de la Halle 38710 Mens (talk • contribs) 20:06, 23 November 2022 (UTC)
Categorizzare correttamente
[edit]Ciao Camelia.boban. Grazie per le molte ed interessanti foto sul Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia che hai caricato. Però le hai categorizzate malissimo. Tanto male che hai creato un mezzo disastro. Assegnare una categoria ad una foto non è senza conseguenze: vuol dire che quella foto comparirà in quella categoria. Allora assegnare tutte le categorie a tutte le foto crea soltanto una grandissima confusione, un ingolfamento enorme assolutamente inutile e privo di senso. Se tu apri una qualsiasi delle tue foto relative al santuario di Prenestina (per fortuna che non hai fatto lo stesso errore anche per le foto della gita a Villa Adriana !), vedrai che è piena di incongruenze e di assurdità. Prendiamo una foto a caso: questa ara per esempio viene considerata un evento in Italia nel 2011, viene considerata il Santuario della Fortuna Primigenia, viene considerata un'antica statua romana in Italia, ed ancora un'antica architettura romana a Palestrina, un antico tempio romano in Italia, ed infine viene considerata essere la dea Fortuna. Tutto assurdo! Le uniche categorie vere e necessarie (che cioè si tratta di un'antica ara romana in Italia, che è anche un'antica iscrizione romana in Italia, e che l'oggetto si trova nel Museo Archeologico di Palestrina), proprio queste categorie mancano del tutto e non sono minimamente menzionate. Penso a questo punto che tu probabilmente non abbia capito come funziona il sistema delle categorie. Vorrei che non prendessi le mie parole come un rimprovero: voglio solo spiegarti come funziona la cosa, di modo che poi in futuro tu faccia le cose subito nel modo giusto, e non ci sia poi bisogno di rincorrere il tutto per aggiustarlo. Allora: il sistema delle Categorie in Commons non è globale, ma gerarchico. Si va da categorie sempre più generiche (sopra-categorie), verso categorie sempre più specifiche (sotto-categorie). La categoria che va messa è quella più specifica possibile, e non tutte quelle che riguardano l'immagine. Quello che tu devi fare è controllare che la categoria specifica che tu assegni ed in cui vuoi far comparire la tua foto, sia poi collegata a ritroso in una catena di categorie sempre più generiche, e che questa catena sia corretta. Per fare un esempio: se hai una foto della chiesa di San Pincopallo del comune di Cipperimerlo, ed in Commons esiste la "Category:Saint Pincopallo church in Cipperimerlo", che è una sottocategoria del comune di "Cipperimerlo", che è una sottocategoria di "Municipalities in province of Rome", che è una sottocategoria di "Lazio", che è una sottocategoria di "Regions of Italy", che è una sottocategoria di "Italy", allora NON è necessario che tu metta tutte queste categorie, perchè così facendo tu appesantisci solo (inutilmente) tutto il sistema e in modo particolare queste categorie generiche con soggetti specifici che vanno collocati al posto giusto altrove (nello specifico nella "Saint Pincopallo church in Cipperimerlo") dove chi le cerca le troverà pure. Chi cerca la chiesa di Cipperimerlo la cercherà sotto Cipperimerlo e non sotto Province of Rome, o sotto Lazio, o ancora nella categoria Italy o addirittura sotto Europe. Categorie generiche debbono avere solo sotto-categorie e non immagini. Insalate di ogni genere di foto che figurano in categorie generiche non servono proprio a nessuno, e difatti vanno smantellate sistemando ogni singola fotografia nella sua categoria specifica. Altre categorie vanno aggiunte alle foto solo quando si trovano fuori dalla catena geografica (p. es. per una chiesa di un determinato paese, la categoria di rimando ad un artista; o ad una categoria storica; ecc.). Spero di averti chiarito il sistema. Allora quello che vorrei pregarti di fare (e che è assolutamente necessario!) è che tu apra ogni singola foto che hai caricato e ci assegni solo la categoria ad essa pertinente, categoria che deve essere a sua volta concatenata a quella superiore e a quella inferiore (se esiste), e cancelli tutte le altre categorie superiori e/o ridondanti che vi hai assegnato. Per tornare all'esempio della foto dell'ara romana, anche quelle relative alle Wiki... che hai dato sono assolutamente ridondanti: non è necessario metterle tutte: basta che la "Wikigita a Roma-Palestina" sia una sotto-categoria delle "WikiGite" e delle "Wikimedian meetups in Italy in 2011", e che quest'ultima sia una sotto-categoria di "Wikimedian meetups in Italy". Capito il sistema? Spero che non te la sia presa a male se mi sono permesso di darti queste spiegazioni. Se hai dubbi sulla categorizzazione, rivolgiti senz'altro a me oppure al bar italiano. Siamo tutti disponibili e pronti a darti buoni consigli! Ciao e buon lavoro. Cordialmente, --DenghiùComm (talk) 18:53, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- Ciao. Non me la sono presa a male, ci mancherebbe (anche se chiamarlo un mezzo disastro mi sembra un tantino esagerato) ed ero abbastanza cosciente che si dovevano risistemare tante delle foto caricate, ma l'esigenza primaria mi è sembrata quella di caricarle. E visto che erano centinaia ho usato Commonist (inserendo in blocco) per velocizzare. Appena avrò un attimo, sicuramente nel fine settimana, le sistemo. Grazie, --Camelia.boban (talk) 21:28, 6 March 2012 (UTC)
- Non volevo offenderti con la parola "disastro". L'ho usata semplicemente perché avendo tu caricato centinaia di foto cui hai dato una decina di categorie sbagliate, facendo i conti ci ritroviamo una decina di categorie ingolfate da centinaia di foto non pertinenti, che per sanarle tutte si arriva a migliaia di errori da correggere. Tutto qui. Comunque grazie per la tua collaborazione. Sempre a tua disposizione (se hai bisogno), ti saluto, --DenghiùComm (talk) 11:00, 7 March 2012 (UTC)
Ciao. Purtroppo io, nonostante le lezioni sul Kyma lesbio trilobato di MM, non so niente di archeologia, perciò ti chiederei di darmi una mano specificando più in dettaglio di che elemento si tratta. Per esempio questo che cos'è? Quando è un ara e quando un capitello? Questi, per me, sono dei capitelli, perciò li ho inseriti sotto le categorie: "Capitals in Palestrina" e "Ancient Roman capitals in Palestrina", diversamente da ques'altro che ho messo nelle categoria "Ancient Roman inscriptions in Palestrina" e "Ancient Roman aras". Ovviamente sono delle categorie che, dove non esistevano, mi sono dovuta creare. Grazie, --Camelia.boban (talk) 17:10, 13 March 2012 (UTC)
- Non ti devi scoraggiare. I problemi che hai tu (individuare la categoria esatta) li abbiamo anche noi, nessuno ne è immune. Però proprio per ovviare alle nostre difficoltà, ho creato a suo tempo degli utili strumenti di lavoro, che puoi consultare tranquillamente per rintracciare la categoria giusta da assegnare. Li ho tutti raggruppati qui. Se tu hai oggetti romani, ho creato quest'altro strumento utilissimo, dove puoi individuare la categoria che cerchi. Se poi l'oggetto romano si trova in Italia, ricordati che ho creato anche la relativa categoria-figlia (data la massiccia presenza di reperti e situazioni romane in Italia), quindi se le tue immagini ritraggono oggetti o reperti o monumenti romani in Italia, ti prego di usare le categorie Ancient Roman ... in Italy, di modo che non vadano disperse... nel mondo! Riguardo alle tue domande: 1) che cos'è la prima cosa? E' un elemento architettonico, e precisamente un'architrave in stile dorico (messa sottosopra: le gutte devono pendere sotto i triglifi!); purtroppo per questa categoria non è stata creata ancora quella specifica Ancient Roman e quella più specifica ancora in Italy (vedrò di realizzarla, perché vedo che ci sono diversi files
Done !). 2) Quando è un'ara e quando un capitello? Sono due cose ben diverse: il capitello è un elemento architettonico decorativo della sommità di una colonna (è la "testa" di una colonna); un'ara invece non è un elemento architettonico: è un blocco squadrato che sta a terra e serve ad accendervi il fuoco sopra per i sacrifici; talora la stessa forma viene usata come iscrizione onoraria o commemorativa, talora anche come base per qualche statua. 3) Quella sequela di capitelli sono ok: sono capitelli! Però ricordati della struttura "ad albero" di Commons: se sono nella categoria "Ancient Roman capitals in Palestrina" non li mettere anche in "Capitals in Palestrina", ma rendi la categoria "Ancient Roman capitals in Palestrina" sottocategoria di "Capitals in Palestrina". D'accordo? 4) Per la realizzazione di nuove categorie, ok, fallo se hai un certo numero di foto; però è sconsigliato realizzare categorie per una o due immagini. E poi un'ultima cosa: ti prego di dare il nome giusto e preciso alle nuove categorie che crei. In altre parole se sono statue non chiamarle "sculptures"; se sono tutte statue romane, non chiamarle "statues" ma "Ancient Roman statues", ecc. Poi se hai le statue e i busti e i rilievi e i capitelli e le are di Palestrina, allora realizza pure la categoria "Ancient Roman sculptures in Palestrina" in cui ci metti tutte queste categorie (non le foto!). Ciao e grazie per il tuo lavoro. Sempre a disposizione se hai bisogno di altri chiarimenti, ti saluto, --DenghiùComm (talk) 12:20, 15 March 2012 (UTC)
- Ciao. Ti posso "tormentare" ancora? Vedo che c'è molto lavoro da fare (nel senso di Palestrina qui sopra) anche nelle foto della gita che avete fatto alla Villa Adriana. Per lo meno bisognerebbe aggiungere ad ogni immagine anche la categoria del soggetto (monumento o oggetto architettonico o artistico), e poi togliere la categoria delle varie Wiki... sottocategorizzando la categoria nelle Wikigite superiori. Se ci sono altre gite un po' "disastrate", ti sarei molto grato se le potessi controllare ed aggiustare pian pianino aggiungendo il mancante e togliendo il superfluo. Grazie infinite! Buon lavoro, --DenghiùComm (talk) 07:46, 17 March 2012 (UTC)
Cascate di Lillaz
[edit]Ciao, ho annullato la tua modifica qui: infatti, non si tratta del monumento italiano indicato ma delle cascate di Lillaz, per cui la tua modifica non è proprio corretta nel senso che in teoria non dovrebbero partecipare con quel wiki-ID al contest né essere inserito con quel nome. Non sapendo bene come state gestendo le categorizzazioni ho solo ripristinato il needing check, ma sicuramente va fatto scomparire da qui. Ciao e buon proseguimento!--Patafisik (talk) 22:35, 10 October 2012 (UTC)
Thank you for participating in Wiki Loves Monuments 2012!Dear Camelia.boban, Thanks to the participation of people like you, the contest gathered more than 350,000 pictures of cultural heritage objects from 36 countries around the world, becoming the largest photography competition to have ever taken place. You can find all your pictures in your upload log, and are of course very welcome to keep uploading images and help develop Wikimedia Commons, even though you will not be able to win more prizes (just yet). If you'd like to start editing relevant Wikipedia articles and share your knowledge with other people, please go to the Wikipedia Welcome page for more information, guidance, and help. To make future contests even more successful than this year, we would like to invite you to share your experiences with us in a short survey. Please fill in this short survey in your own language, and help us learn what you liked and didn't like about Wiki Loves Monuments 2012. Kind regards, |
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- Message delivered by the Wiki Loves Monuments 2012 notification system on 22:57, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
Publication of your photo, Hall of the Philosophers, Villa Adriana.
I am an archaeologist working in northern England and have just completed a new book entitled ‘Hadrian and his Wall’. The first part is a biography of Hadrian, and in this I would very much like to use your photo of the interior of the Hall of the Philosophers at the Villa Adriana, Tivoli. Given that you have placed the image on Wikimedia, I hope this will be okay, and by way of thanks I would like to send you a copy of the book when it is published. If you would like a copy of the book please let me know the address I should send it to.
The image will be credited as ‘Photo: Camelia.Boban/Wikimedia’, unless you advise me otherwise.
To ensure I get it promptly, I would be very grateful if you could please copy any reply to .
Thank you very much.
Best wishes
Paul Frodsham
[edit]Scusa Camelia, ho tolto temporaneamente i tuoi favs dalla user page perché sennò potevano contare come doppia preferenza nei nostri conteggi. A parte che dovresti avere tutto nella sandbox, sentiti comunque libera di rollbackare il mio edit quando avremo mandato la nostra classifica alla giuria. Grazie, --Elitre (talk) 17:32, 20 October 2013 (UTC)
- Non ti preoccupare Eli, è una cosa che avrei dovuto (ed ho anche pensato) di farlo io, quella di togliere le foto e lasciarle solo nella sanbox. Ma siccomé lavoro nell'informatica, ho la mania di fare delle copie di qualsiasi cosa!
Grazie per la wikigita insieme e qualche domanda
[edit]Gentile Camelia.boban, anche questa edizione 2016 di Wiki Loves Monuments Italia si è conclusa, con sempre nuovi traguardi conseguiti. Grazie per aver partecipato alle nostre WikiGite: sono un importante tassello della macchina del concorso che permette ogni anno di coinvolgere nuovi fotografi e nuovi appassionati nel mondo della cultura libera.
Proprio per questo vogliamo sentire la tua opinione: ci piacerebbe che tu rispondessi a qualche semplice domanda, per poter valutare l'esperienza e migliorarla per le prossime edizioni. Rispondi al questionario.
Prenditi tutto il tempo di cui hai bisogno per rispondere alle domande che preferisci. Aspettiamo una tua risposta.
Grazie per la tua partecipazione, che ci aiuta a migliorare i nostri progetti.
Per l'organizzazione di Wiki Loves Monuments, Cristian Cenci (WMI) ({{int:Talkpagelinktext}}) 11:49, 31 October 2016 (UTC)
hi bella Carica tuttavia ND è un problema Guarda anche [1] -- 15:48, 31 October 2016 (UTC)
- I've just send an email to the editors of the site asking to change the CC by ND in a CC by SA license. Waiting for their response --Camelia (talk) 16:13, 31 October 2016 (UTC)
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File:Lidia Mannuzzu.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
Ruthven (msg) 17:19, 5 November 2016 (UTC)
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File:Elvira Popescu.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
Discasto talk 20:47, 4 May 2017 (UTC)
Please correct the info
[edit]Hey, if you are the woman depicted here apparently holding the camera (middle one), which I think you are her, you simply can't be the author of this photo. Please mention the true author, if I'm right. Thanks. --Mhhossein talk 11:16, 24 August 2017 (UTC)
- Dear @Mhhossein: , the infos of the first photo are correct, is a selfie ;-). The second, is also a group selfie took by @Satdeep Gill: on my request, so I provided to put him as author. --Camelia (talk) 11:46, 24 August 2017 (UTC)
- Thanks for mentioning the true author for the second photo. Btw, I was pretty sure that you were the author of the linked selfie. Thank you for the reaction and the civil response. --Mhhossein talk 12:04, 24 August 2017 (UTC)
File:Le Imprescindibili con copertina (estratto).pdf
[edit]Non puoi dichiararlo 4.0 se la licenza di Wikipedia è 3.0, ti pare? --Elitre (talk) 10:58, 26 September 2017 (UTC)
Grande Camelia! Abbiamo cercato un quarto d'ora la firma dell'Ammannati senza successo... meno male che l'hai fotografata tu! --Sailko (talk) 09:28, 2 October 2017 (UTC) ː;-) --Camelia (talk) 09:49, 2 October 2017 (UTC)
- Scusa, Camelia, un'altra cosa. Quando crei una categoria personale che contiene "by Camelia Boban" devi sempre segnalarla con il tag "categoria utente", in particolare incollandoci questo: {{user category|Camelia Boban}}. Ne ho messi un po' già nelle categorie che ho trovato, tu aggiungilo alle prossime. Ciao! --Sailko (talk) 09:51, 2 October 2017 (UTC)
Categorie per utente
[edit]Ciao Camelia,
volevo segnalarti che le tue categorie "personali" sono visibili, quando le categorie per utente sono categorie nascoste (a quello serve il template {{User category}}). Questo serve a duplicare classificazioni ed ingombrare l'albero delle categorie. Vedi come ho sistemato Category:Rome photos by Camelia Boban e applica lo stesso schema alle altre categorie personali (e.g. Macerata, ...). Grazie --Ruthven (msg) 14:44, 2 November 2017 (UTC)
- Si, mi sembra a posto. Ciao --Ruthven (msg) 16:19, 2 November 2017 (UTC)
- Devi distinguere le categorie nascoste e quelle che non lo sono. In quel caso, Category:Wikimania 2017 by photographer non è nascosta e quindi la puoi mettere fra parentesi quadre. Invece le User category sono nascoste e lì devi usare il template. Alla fine sarà qualcosa del genere:
[[Category:Wikimania 2017 by photographer|Boban]] {{user category|cat=Photos by Camelia Boban|Montréal}}
Re:LiguriaWiki su Instagram
[edit]Grazie del messaggio Camelia, me io per il momento non sono su Intsgram. E mi sa che neanche a breve ci entrerò, nel senso che perdo già abbastanza tempo su wiki (e anche un po' su FB) e una nuova fonte di cazzeggio preferisco evitarla.--Pampuco (talk) 12:40, 9 June 2018 (UTC)
File tagging File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 55.jpg
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Thanks for uploading File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 55.jpg. This media is missing permission information. A source is given, but there is no proof that the author or copyright holder agreed to license the file under the given license. Please provide a link to an appropriate webpage with license information, or ask the author or copyright holder to send an email with copy of a written permission to VRT ( You may still be required to go through this procedure even if you are the author yourself; please see Commons:But it's my own work! for more details. After you emailed permission, you may replace the {{No permission since}} tag with {{subst:PP}} on file description page. Alternatively, you may click on "Challenge speedy deletion" below the tag if you wish to provide an argument why evidence of permission is not necessary in this case.
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BevinKacon (talk) 13:12, 4 August 2018 (UTC)
File tagging File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 52.jpg
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Thanks for uploading File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 52.jpg. This media is missing permission information. A source is given, but there is no proof that the author or copyright holder agreed to license the file under the given license. Please provide a link to an appropriate webpage with license information, or ask the author or copyright holder to send an email with copy of a written permission to VRT ( You may still be required to go through this procedure even if you are the author yourself; please see Commons:But it's my own work! for more details. After you emailed permission, you may replace the {{No permission since}} tag with {{subst:PP}} on file description page. Alternatively, you may click on "Challenge speedy deletion" below the tag if you wish to provide an argument why evidence of permission is not necessary in this case.
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BevinKacon (talk) 13:12, 4 August 2018 (UTC)
File tagging File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 51.jpg
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Thanks for uploading File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 51.jpg. This media is missing permission information. A source is given, but there is no proof that the author or copyright holder agreed to license the file under the given license. Please provide a link to an appropriate webpage with license information, or ask the author or copyright holder to send an email with copy of a written permission to VRT ( You may still be required to go through this procedure even if you are the author yourself; please see Commons:But it's my own work! for more details. After you emailed permission, you may replace the {{No permission since}} tag with {{subst:PP}} on file description page. Alternatively, you may click on "Challenge speedy deletion" below the tag if you wish to provide an argument why evidence of permission is not necessary in this case.
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BevinKacon (talk) 13:12, 4 August 2018 (UTC)
File tagging File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 53.jpg
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BevinKacon (talk) 13:12, 4 August 2018 (UTC)
Source of derivative work is not properly indicated: File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 50.jpg
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A file that you have uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 50.jpg, is a derivative work, containing an "image within an image". Examples of such works would include a photograph of a sculpture, a scan of a magazine cover, or a map that has been altered from the original. In each of these cases, the rights of the creator of the original must be considered, as well as those of the creator of the derivative work.
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And also:
Yours sincerely, BevinKacon (talk) 19:55, 26 August 2018 (UTC)
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File:Intel IoT Roadshow Hackathon 50.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
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-- Tuválkin ✉ ✇ 21:56, 28 August 2018 (UTC)
Cerimonia di premiazione Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 Toscana a Pistoia
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Salve! In quanto partecipante a Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Toscana sei invitato alla premiazione che si terrà a Pistoia, Palazzo degli Anziani, il giorno 1 dicembre 2018 a partire dalle ore 15:00. Saranno premiati i quattro vincitori regionali mentre ai finalisti saranno regalati dei libri.
Grazie, e speriamo di vederti! Questo messaggio è stato impostato qui e inviato a tutte le utenze riportate in questa lista. Per non ricevere messaggi simili è sufficiente rimuovere il proprio nominativo.
iscriversi al gruppo consultare la pagina contattare direttamente Alessandro Marchetti, Susanna Giaccai e Luca Landucci (in talk utente o con l'opzione "invia una mail all'utente" nella colonna di sinistra). |
Alexmar983 --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 21:53, 16 November 2018 (UTC)
File source is not properly indicated: File:Wikipedia 18th Birthday in Rome 1.jpg
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A file that you have uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, File:Wikipedia 18th Birthday in Rome 1.jpg, is missing information about where it comes from or who created it, which is needed to verify its copyright status. Please edit the file description and add the missing information, or the file may be deleted.
If you created the content yourself, enter If someone else created the content, or if it is based on someone else's work, the source should be the address to the web page where you found it, the name and ISBN of the book you scanned it from, or similar. You should also name the author, provide verifiable information to show that the content is in the public domain or has been published under a free license by its author, and add an appropriate template identifying the public domain or licensing status, if you have not already done so. Warning: Wikimedia Commons takes copyright violations very seriously and persistent violators will be blocked from editing. Please add the required information for this and other files you have uploaded before adding more files. If you need assistance, please ask at the help desk. Thank you! |
Jcb (talk) 19:46, 20 January 2019 (UTC)
Round 2 of Picture of the Year 2018 is open!
Dear Camelia.boban,
You are receiving this message because we noticed that you voted in R1 of the 2018 Picture of the Year contest, but not yet in the second round. Wikimedia users are invited to vote for their favorite images featured on Commons during the last year (2018) to produce a single Picture of the Year.
Hundreds of images that have been rated Featured Pictures by the international Wikimedia Commons community in the past year were entered in this competition. These images include professional animal and plant shots, breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historical images, photographs portraying the world's best architecture, impressive human portraits, and so much more.
There are two total rounds of voting. In the first round, you voted for as many images as you liked.
In the final (and current) round, you may vote for a maximum of three images. The image with the most votes will become the Picture of the Year 2018.
Round 2 will end 17 March 2019, 23:59:59.
the Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year committee 18:04, 16 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Les sans pagEs Méditerranée et WikiDonne en Marseille 16.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:16, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Les sans pagEs Méditerranée et WikiDonne en Marseille 17.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:17, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Les sans pagEs Méditerranée et WikiDonne en Marseille 08.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:18, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Les sans pagEs Méditerranée et WikiDonne en Marseille 05.jpg has been marked as a possible copyright violation. Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content—that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. Traditional copyright law does not grant these freedoms, and unless noted otherwise, everything you find on the web is copyrighted and not permitted here. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You may also find Commons:Copyright rules useful, or you can ask questions about Commons policies at the Commons:Help desk. If you are the copyright holder and the creator of the file, please read Commons:But it's my own work! for tips on how to provide evidence of that.
The file you added has been deleted. If you have written permission from the copyright holder, please have them send us a free license release via COM:VRT. If you believe that the deletion was not in accordance with policy, you may request undeletion. (It is not necessary to request undeletion if using VRT; the file will be automatically restored at the conclusion of the process.)
— Preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 15:23, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2018 Second Day 27.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:26, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Vetrina con poster.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:28, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
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File:Statua di bronzo di Emilio Greco Padua.jpg has been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether it should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry.
If you created this file, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. | 15:31, 24 March 2019 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Toscana è iniziato
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
Dopo mesi di lavoro Wiki Loves Monuments sta è iniziato alcune ore fa anche in Toscana. Il caricamento è aperto fino al 30 di settembre. Qui potete valutare quanto è stato liberato finora. Fra i nuovi beni già trascritti abbiamo proprietà da Aulla, Comano, Lucca, Careggine, Coreglia Antelminelli, San Miniato, Calcinaia, Cascina, Pontedera, Ponsacco, Capannoli, Pomarance, Prato, Carmignano, Poggio a Caiano, Cantagallo, Vernio, Sesto Fiorentino, Scarperia e San Piero, Rignano sull'Arno, San Godenzo, Barberino Tavernelle, Dicomano, Fucecchio, Castelnuovo Berardenga, Santa Fiora, Castell'Azzarra e nuove adesioni da Pescia e Piombino. Nuove liberatorie (probabilmente Massa, Carrara, Palaia, Vaiano, Scandicci, Palazzuolo sul Senio, Castel Focognano e Bucine) continueranno a arrivare nei prossimi giorni quindi ricontrolla sempre gli elenchi a cadenza regolare. Ti preghiamo di informare le persone interessate e, se puoi, anche di condividere i post sui vari canali sociali. qui si possono scaricare i volantini regionali. Messaggio discusso qui. Per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista
#WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesMonuments2019 |
Alexmar983 tramite MediaWiki message delivery--10:25, 1 September 2019 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments Italia 2019, è iniziato! Il tuo contributo è prezioso!
You're receiving this message because you've previously contributed to the annual Wiki Loves Monuments contest in Italy. We'd be delighted if you would do so again this year and upload your photos to share the italian cultural hertage with the world!!
You can find more details at the Wiki Loves Monuments Italia website and here. If you have images taken in other countries you can check the international participants.
This year's contest runs until 30 September 2019.
If you need help please contact me! --Marta Arosio (WMIT) (talk) 13:24, 5 September 2019 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Toscana - nuovi beni aderenti
[edit]Gentili fotografi, un ultimo aggiornamento in vista dei prossimi week end. Segnaliamo che dal primo settembre si sono aggiunti per WLM2019 nuovi beni a Pescia, Cascina, Careggine, Pomarance, Vinci e Castelfiorentino. Sono inoltre state trascritte delibere provenienti per la prima volta anche dai comuni di Massa, Carrara, Rufina, Follonica e San Vincenzo. Date un'occhiata perché non è escluso che arrivino ancora altre adesioni integrative all'ultimo minuto.
Messaggio discusso qui. Per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista
Alexmar983 tramite MediaWiki message delivery--12:07, 14 September 2019 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2019 in Toscana - premiazione
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
La cerimonia di premiazione di WLM2019 regionale si terrà a Pescia il giorno 1 dicembre alle h. 17:00, come comunicato anche su Facebook. Qui il volantino. Tutti i finalisti del secondo round sono invitati a prendere un premio (gli altri partecipanti possono anche essi prenderne uno, ma dopo che avranno ritirato i loro premi i finalisti) Il 23 novembre, come comunicato anche su Facebook è prevista anche la cerimonia di premiazione locale di Prato e provincia presso la Biblioteca Lazzerini. Messaggio discusso qui. Per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista
#WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesMonuments2019 |
Alexmar983 tramite MediaWiki message delivery--15:17, 15 November 2019 (UTC)
Notification about possible deletion
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Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.
If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
Yours sincerely, Yuraily Lic (talk) 12:52, 3 June 2020 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Toscana - preparazione
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
Stiamo organizzando Wiki Loves Monuments per il 2020. Il concorso si tiene a settembre ma ci muoviamo con anticipo. Purtroppo non all'inizio della primavera come altri anni a causa dell'emergenza COVID-19, ma abbiamo iniziato a fine maggio dopo una pausa di due mesi. Puoi consultare in questa pagina il lavoro in corso. Ci sono monumenti (o intere amministrazioni) che mancano vicino alla tua zona di interesse? Fallo presente e vedremo di fare il possibile! Prossimo aggiornamento a inizio luglio, con i comuni nuovi sicuramente aderenti e le integrazioni. La premiazione 2020 si terrà a Prato. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista |
Alexmar983 tramite MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:56, 6 June 2020 (UTC)
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File:Sara Hegazy 01 (cropped).jpg has been marked as a possible copyright violation. Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content—that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. Traditional copyright law does not grant these freedoms, and unless noted otherwise, everything you find on the web is copyrighted and not permitted here. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You may also find Commons:Copyright rules useful, or you can ask questions about Commons policies at the Commons:Help desk. If you are the copyright holder and the creator of the file, please read Commons:But it's my own work! for tips on how to provide evidence of that.
The file you added may soon be deleted. If you have written permission from the copyright holder, please replace the copyvio tag with {{subst:OP}} and have them send us a free license release via COM:VRT. If you disagree that the file is a copyright violation for any other reason, please replace the copyvio tag with a regular deletion request.
Nominated for deletion by Ibrahim.ID. I am a software, please do not ask me questions but the user who nominated your file for deletion or at our Help Desk. //Deletion Notification Bot (talk) 15:11, 15 June 2020 (UTC)
FP Promotion
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★ This image has been promoted to Featured picture! ★
The image File:Covid-19 San Salvatore 02.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Covid-19 San Salvatore 02.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so. |
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/FPCBot (talk) 05:03, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
FP Promotion
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★ This image has been promoted to Featured picture! ★
The image File:Covid-19 San Salvatore 09.jpg, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/File:Covid-19 San Salvatore 09.jpg has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another image, please do so. |
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/FPCBot (talk) 05:04, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
Set Promoted to FP
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The set Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/COVID-19 photo portraits, that you nominated on Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/COVID-19 photo portraits has been promoted. Thank you for your contribution. If you would like to nominate another set, please do so ! |
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/FPCBot (talk) 05:10, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
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File:(cropped) سارة حجازي.jpg has been marked as a possible copyright violation. Wikimedia Commons only accepts free content—that is, images and other media files that can be used by anyone, for any purpose. Traditional copyright law does not grant these freedoms, and unless noted otherwise, everything you find on the web is copyrighted and not permitted here. For details on what is acceptable, please read Commons:Licensing. You may also find Commons:Copyright rules useful, or you can ask questions about Commons policies at the Commons:Help desk. If you are the copyright holder and the creator of the file, please read Commons:But it's my own work! for tips on how to provide evidence of that.
The file you added has been deleted. If you have written permission from the copyright holder, please have them send us a free license release via COM:VRT. If you believe that the deletion was not in accordance with policy, you may request undeletion. (It is not necessary to request undeletion if using VRT; the file will be automatically restored at the conclusion of the process.)
Nominated for deletion by Ibrahim.ID. I am a computer program; please do not ask me questions but ask the user who nominated your file for deletion or at our Help Desk. //Deletion Notification Bot (talk) 16:13, 23 June 2020 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Toscana sta per iniziare
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
Continua la preparazione di Wiki Loves Monuments per il 2020. Manca una settimana alla partenza e per chi fosse già in giro ricordiamo le nuove località aderenti, già riportate nelle nostre liste in costante aggiornamento. Nel 2020 hanno completato l'iter di ampliamento le amministrazioni di Cascina, Pomarance, Pescia, Empoli, San Quirico d'Orcia, Chiusi, Santa Fiora e Piombino, mentre hanno aderito per la prima volta a tempo indefinito il Museo delle Aviotruppe di Pisa e i comuni di Pescaglia, Gallicano, Camaiore, Santa Croce sull'Arno, Casale Marittimo, Quarrata, Montelupo Fiorentino, Buonconvento, Pratovecchio Stia, Sansepolcro, Castiglion Fiorentino, Anghiari, Badia Tedalda e Campiglia Marittima. Ci sono anche adesioni solo per il 2020 di alcune dimore storiche attorno a Pisa. Risultano al momento richieste formali o informali di partecipazione o ampliamento della copertura da un'altra ventina di enti e amministrazioni, alcune delle quali potrebbero concretizzarsi nelle prossime due settimane. Fate attenzione che alcune delle adesioni solo per l'edizione 2019 nel nord della provincia di Prato e del comune di Massa non saranno probabilmente confermate, ma non sono ancora state rimosse dalle liste. Qui il video promozionale del 2019 e qui quello della nuova edizione. Il prossimo aggiornamento riporterà i volantini in più lingue e gli ultimi sviluppi sulle adesioni. Ricordiamo che la premiazione 2020 si terrà a Prato. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista |
Alexmar983 tramite -MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 14:25, 24 August 2020 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2020 in Toscana è in corso
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
Grazie alla preparazione e al vostro impegno, WLM è un successo in regione anche per questa edizione. Siamo stabilmente primi per caricamenti a livello nazionale: qui potete vedere alcune statistiche. Al momento risultano più reattive le province di Livorno, Siena, Pisa, Prato e Firenze. Fra i nuovi beni aderenti confermati, e inseriti nelle liste, segnaliamo i comuni di Castel del Piano, Montignoso e la Domus Mazziniana di Pisa. Ci sono nuovi beni anche dal comune di Santa Fiora. Sono comunque in corso le verifiche sulla proprietà di alcuni edifici religiosi. C'è invece un aggiornamento nella lista di San Vincenzo, che aveva autorizzato annualmente nel 2019 e ha ridotto i beni aderenti. Per quanto riguarda le foto panoramiche, vengono smistate direttamente nelle categorie dei comuni e richiedono maggiore manutenzione, quindi vi preghiamo se possibile la cortesia di posticipare il loro caricamento a fine mese quando avremo più tempo di occuparcene. La campagna sociale in concerto su tutti e tre i canali (per Facebook la pagina Wiki Loves Toscana) prevede ogni quattro giorni una serie divulgativa sulle foto delle edizioni precedenti in bianco e nero (caricate progressivamente qui su Commons) alternata a una serie sulle foto migliori dell'edizione in corso. Ogni giorno nel tardo pomeriggio o prima serata solo su Twitter e Facebook (gruppo ToscanaWiki) viene inoltre postata una foto fra quelle giunte, prediligendo variabilità di luogo e tema. Qui i volantini in più lingue. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista Per informazioni:
Hashtag: #WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesToscana2020 #WikiLovesMonuments #WikiLovesMonuments2020 #WLM2020 |
Alexmar983 tramite -MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:12, 15 September 2020 (UTC)
File tagging File:Massimo Cerofolini.jpg
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This media was probably deleted.
Thanks for uploading File:Massimo Cerofolini.jpg. This media is missing permission information. A source is given, but there is no proof that the author or copyright holder agreed to license the file under the given license. Please provide a link to an appropriate webpage with license information, or ask the author or copyright holder to send an email with copy of a written permission to VRT ( You may still be required to go through this procedure even if you are the author yourself; please see Commons:But it's my own work! for more details. After you emailed permission, you may replace the {{No permission since}} tag with {{subst:PP}} on file description page. Alternatively, you may click on "Challenge speedy deletion" below the tag if you wish to provide an argument why evidence of permission is not necessary in this case.
Please see this page for more information on how to confirm permission, or if you would like to understand why we ask for permission when uploading work that is not your own, or work which has been previously published (regardless of whether it is your own). The file probably has been deleted. If you sent a permission, try to send it again after 14 days. Do not re-upload. When the VRT-member processes your mail, the file can be undeleted. Additionally you can request undeletion here, providing a link to the File-page on Commons where it was uploaded ([[:File:Massimo Cerofolini.jpg]] ) and the above demanded information in your request. |
EugeneZelenko (talk) 15:40, 4 November 2020 (UTC)
Notification about possible deletion
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Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.
If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
And also:
Yours sincerely, A1Cafel (talk) 03:06, 3 January 2021 (UTC)
[edit]Hello! I tried to use the Montage tool, but the page is empty. What to do? --XRay 💬 19:57, 9 March 2021 (UTC)
- Yeah! Found! I've to login first at . --XRay 💬 08:44, 10 March 2021 (UTC)
- @XRay: Yep, login into Montage with your Wikimedia account. --Camelia (talk) 08:54, 10 March 2021 (UTC)
- @XRay: Round 2 set, 13 photo finalists as they received the vote of 3 on 4 jury member. Deadline March 28th, but it really takes 5 minutes. Thank you ;-). --Camelia (talk) 20:46, 21 March 2021 (UTC)
- It's an easy task. I have expected a larger number of images. And for round 2 I'll spend hopefully more time than 5 minutes. --XRay 💬 20:54, 21 March 2021 (UTC)
- @XRay: Round 2 set, 13 photo finalists as they received the vote of 3 on 4 jury member. Deadline March 28th, but it really takes 5 minutes. Thank you ;-). --Camelia (talk) 20:46, 21 March 2021 (UTC)
- @XRay: Yep, login into Montage with your Wikimedia account. --Camelia (talk) 08:54, 10 March 2021 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2021 in Toscana è in corso
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
Gazie alla preparazione e al vostro impegno, WLM è un buon successo in regione anche per questa edizione. Siamo stabilmente secondi per caricamenti a livello nazionale: qui e qui si possono consultare alcune statistiche. Al momento risultano meno reattive le province di Prato e di Grosseto. Fra i nuovi beni inseriti nelle liste segnaliamo da parte dei comuni sempre più ampliamenti rispetto alle nuove adesioni, mentre continuano ad aggiungersi sempre più beni privati. Tutte le liberatorie annunciate da quest'anno anche su Instagram sono da ritenersi verificate. Potrebbero arrivare comuni a fine mese al momento ancora in via di approvazione. Per quanto riguarda le foto panoramiche, vengono inviate direttamente nelle categorie dei comuni e richiedono spesso la creazione di varie sottocategorie; per questo motivo vi preghiamo di non inviare troppe foto simili, dovendole in seguito smistare a mano. La campagna sui tre canali sociali (per Facebook sia pagina che gruppo) prevede come nel 2020 una serie divulgativa con le foto delle edizioni precedenti in bianco e nero (caricate qui su Commons) alternata a una serie sulle foto migliori dell'edizione 2021, inframmezzate con più infografiche generali. Ogni giorno solo su Twitter e Facebook (gruppo ToscanaWiki) viene inoltre postata una foto fra quelle giunte prediligendo variabilità di luogo e tema. Qui i volantini in più lingue.
per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista Per informazioni:
Hashtag: #WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesToscana2021 #WikiLovesMonuments #WikiLovesMonuments2021 #WLM2021 |
Alexmar983 tramite -MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 20:35, 19 September 2021 (UTC)
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Women in STEM fields has been listed at Commons:Categories for discussion so that the community can discuss ways in which it should be changed. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at its entry. If you created this category, please note that the fact that it has been proposed for discussion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with it. If the category is up for deletion because it has been superseded, consider the notion that although the category may be deleted, your hard work (which we all greatly appreciate) lives on in the new category. In all cases, please do not take the category discussion personally. It is never intended as such. Thank you! |
Themightyquill (talk) 22:02, 24 November 2021 (UTC)
Tip: Categorizing images
Thanks a lot for contributing to the Wikimedia Commons! Here's a tip to make your uploads more useful: Why not add some categories to describe them? This will help more people to find and use them.
Here's how:
1) If you're using the UploadWizard, you can add categories to each file when you describe it. Just click "more options" for the file and add the categories which make sense:
2) You can also pick the file from your list of uploads, edit the file description page, and manually add the category code at the end of the page.
[[Category:Category name]]
For example, if you are uploading a diagram showing the orbits of comets, you add the following code:
[[Category:Astronomical diagrams]]
This will make the diagram show up in the categories "Astronomical diagrams" and "Comets".
When picking categories, try to choose a specific category ("Astronomical diagrams") over a generic one ("Illustrations").
Thanks again for your uploads! More information about categorization can be found in Commons:Categories, and don't hesitate to leave a note on the help desk.Vedi la Baccala in umido con patate e pachino.jpg in particolare. Ciao Ruthven (msg) 10:02, 2 February 2022 (UTC)
- Ciao @Ruthven: , che prontezzaǃ L'immagine è stata caricata ieri nell'ambito del concorso Wiki Loves Folklore, di conseguenza in questo momento ha solo le categorie necessarie per la partecipazione al contest. Se ti riferisci al fatto che non ci sta anche la categoria Piatti italiani per dire, in modo da essere trovata, è evidente dal titolo, ma sono d'accordo che si devono trovare anche nelle categorie specifiche giuste. Devi tenere conto però che questo lo sanno gli wikimediani, è più difficile che lo facciano utenti che si sono appena registrati per partecipare al concorso. Camelia (talk) 10:13, 2 February 2022 (UTC)
- Confusione tra le categorie a parte. La cat Secondi contiene la categoria Seafood dishes of Italy che a sua vola contiene i primi (es. Vongole (pasta)). Semmai Seafood dishes of Italy dovrebbe contenere solo i piatti di pesce delle prime e seconde pietanze. Come vedi c'è un bisogno di una bella riorganizzazione generale. --Camelia (talk) 10:54, 2 February 2022 (UTC)
- Di solito si mette almeno una categoria all'atto del caricamento, per non lasciare la fotografia orfana. Non è obbligatorio, ma è una "buona pratica". Gli utenti appena registrati lo devono imparare a fare, altrimenti i loro caricamenti non servono a nulla, perché non sono rintracciabili con questo sistema di categorie (potrebbero mettere i dati semantici collegati a wikidata, ma figurati se capiscono, da neoregistrati, di cosa si tratta!).
- Detto ciò, la categoria "Secondi" non mi pare abbia senso, perché è una tipicità italiana incomprensibile per utenti non italofoni (o che addirittura non vivono in Italia) e che ha sfumature regionali. Le categorie vanno comunque create in inglese, quindi "Vongole (pasta)" dovrebbe essere "Spaghetti with clams" (o qualcosa del genere). Buona continuazione Ruthven (msg) 19:52, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
- Confusione tra le categorie a parte. La cat Secondi contiene la categoria Seafood dishes of Italy che a sua vola contiene i primi (es. Vongole (pasta)). Semmai Seafood dishes of Italy dovrebbe contenere solo i piatti di pesce delle prime e seconde pietanze. Come vedi c'è un bisogno di una bella riorganizzazione generale. --Camelia (talk) 10:54, 2 February 2022 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore Postcard
[edit]Please help translate to your language

Greetings! Thank you for participating in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 Commons photography competition. Your contributions today have made the world a better place. We're sending you a digital postcard as an appreciation for you being one of the top 100 uploaders during this project. To receive your digital postcard, please complete this form by July 20, 2022.
We hope to see you next year in February 2023.
Gratitude and Wikilove
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team
--MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 04:56, 6 July 2022 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Food ends in less than a week. Hurry!
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Hello Camelia.boban!
Wiki Loves Food photographic competition on Indian cuisine, which is happening from November 1 to November 30, 2022, ends in less than a week. You might remember this competition as you had participated in one of its previous editions. If you are thinking about to participate again, now is the time!! We would be very delighted to see you take part in the competition again, photograph and upload all kinds of foods and beverages originated from or found in Indian sub-continent and get a chance to win exciting prizes.
(on behalf of Wiki Loves Food 2022 in India team)
sent through MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 16:54, 24 November 2022 (UTC)
- Thank you for the invitation @Bodhisattwa: , but unfortunately I and we as a group cannot participate this time. Good luck for your event. --Camelia (talk) 17:47, 24 November 2022 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2022 in Toscana
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
L'edizione 2022 di Wiki Loves Monuments ha concluso giorni fa il suo processo selettivo. Quest'anno non abbiamo segnalato in corso d'opera perché abbiamo avuto delle metriche di adesione molto più alte rispetto agli ultimi anni, quindi incentivare il caricamento sarebbe stato controproducente per i partecipanti più occasionali. Probabilmente il prossimo anno ci sarà un calo fisiologico, e conviene pertanto preparare i vostri scatti per il 2023. I semifinalisti, come ogni edizione, sono invitati alla cerimonia di premiazione che quest'anno si terrà nel tardo pomeriggio di sabato 28 gennaio p.v. a Montespertoli (FI) presso il Museo della Vite e del Vino. Qui i risultati finali, che saranno annunciati a breve sui canali sociali. Seguite quelli per ulteriori aggiornamenti. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista Per informazioni:
Hashtag: #WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesToscana2022 #WikiLovesMonuments #WikiLovesMonuments2022 #WLM2022 |
Alexmar983 tramite MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 13:19, 29 November 2022 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Folklore 2023 has started, Join us!
Hello Camelia.boban,
Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team!
Wiki Loves Folklore is an international photography contest hosted on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from around the world, such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folktales, folk games, folk religion, mythology, and many more.
The campaign invites participants to document photographs, videos, and audios linked to folk culture and fit within the contest's theme. Through this campaign, you may become a part of a community dedicated to preserving our intangible culture, which has been brought and passed down for thousands of years.
How to Contribute?
The dates for the submission in the photography contest on Wikimedia Commons are from 1 February to 31 March 2023. Probably you are wondering how you can take part. It’s simple: grab a camera, record an image, video or audio under the folklore theme and start uploading ! To learn more about the rules, check out our Project page on Wikimedia Common. Here are the exciting prizes which you can win internationally.
International Prizes
- 1st prize: 500 USD
- 2nd prize: 400 USD
- 3rd prize: 300 USD
- Top 10 consolation prizes: 40 USD Each
- Best Video prize and best Audio prize: 150 USD & 150 USD
- Top uploader prize for images: First Prize: 100 USD, Second prize: 50 USD
- Wiki Loves Folklore Postcards to top 100 Uploaders
- Certificates and postcards to Local Organizers.
(Disclaimer : The above prizes will only be disbursed in form of gift card or voucher format only)
You can win both International prizes and your local Prizes simultaneously !
If you are interested in participating in the photography campaign, start photographing and collecting media of your local culture and get ready for the photo campaign happening on Wikimedia Commons. For more information about rules and prizes of the contest, refer here. For any questions, email us or join our telegram group
Warm regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team.
Category:Women in Climate Change
[edit]You created the Category Women in Climate Change. By now this category has 198 files. What is the rationale of this category? To have one image of every woman in climate change in the category? Or only some selected women (by what rationale?)? Or to have all images of all women in Climate Change in this category? At the moment there are for example 3 images of Carla Reemtsma and a dozen of Greta Thunbarg. Wouldn't it make more sense to add the categories of Thunberg and Reemtsma as Subcategories instead of individual images? Could you explain that? At best as a short abstract on the category page? C.Suthorn (talk) 10:08, 28 February 2023 (UTC)
- Hi @C.Suthorn. I created this category to have the logo, the banner and pictures taken during our events related to Women in Climate Change (edit-a-thons in most of cases). WCC is a campaign that WikiDonne launched in 2020 (as you can see, WCC is a sub category of WikiDonne campaigns). no intention to insert any biography related to women active in this topic or images about youth meetings and so on. Even if I can see the category was improperly added to them. The only two images that should stay are our logo and banner. Camelia (talk) 13:59, 28 February 2023 (UTC)
- In that case you really should add a notice to the category page. It seems another bunch of images has been added already. C.Suthorn (talk) 16:14, 28 February 2023 (UTC)
Round 1 of Picture of the Year 2022 voting is open!
Read this message in your language
Dear Wikimedian,
Wikimedia Commons is happy to announce that the 2022 Picture of the Year competition is now open. This year will be the seventeenth edition of the annual Wikimedia Commons photo competition, which recognizes exceptional contributions by users on Wikimedia Commons. Wikimedia users are invited to vote for their favorite images featured on Commons during the last year (2022) to produce a single Picture of the Year.
Hundreds of images that have been rated Featured Pictures by the international Wikimedia Commons community in the past year are all entered in this competition. These images include professional animal and plant shots, breathtaking panoramas and skylines, restorations of historical images, photographs portraying the world's best architecture, impressive human portraits, and so much more.
For your convenience, we have sorted the images into topical categories. Two rounds of voting will be held: In the first round, you may vote for as many images as you like. The top 30 overall and the two most popular images in each category will continue to the final. In the final round, you may vote for just three images to become the Picture of the Year.
Round 1 will end on UTC.
the Wikimedia Commons Picture of the Year committee
You are receiving this message because you voted in the 2021 Picture of the Year contest.
Delivered by MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 09:14, 20 April 2023 (UTC)
Notification about possible deletion
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Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.
If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
And also:
Yours sincerely, A1Cafel (talk) 04:31, 1 June 2023 (UTC)
Notification about possible deletion
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Some contents have been listed at Commons:Deletion requests so that the community can discuss whether they should be kept or not. We would appreciate it if you could go to voice your opinion about this at their entry.
If you created these pages, please note that the fact that they have been proposed for deletion does not necessarily mean that we do not value your kind contribution. It simply means that one person believes that there is some specific problem with them, such as a copyright issue. Please see Commons:But it's my own work! for a guide on how to address these issues. |
And also:
- File:Ateneo rumeno di Bucarest 08.jpg
- File:Ateneo rumeno di Bucarest 09.jpg
- File:Ateneo rumeno di Bucarest 10.jpg
- File:Statua di Mihai Eminescu a Bucarest 01.jpg
Yours sincerely, A1Cafel (talk) 03:06, 16 September 2023 (UTC)
Do you have a better version of File:WDG - WikiDonne al FLUMEN Festival 2023 03.webp?
If you can supply the same exact image as File:WDG - WikiDonne al FLUMEN Festival 2023 03.webp at a larger resolution (or media at a higher bitrate, etc.), please just upload it over the original, users will get the new higher quality version with no further effort on your part. If on the other hand, the content is only similar, it is best to select a new image name, as there may be uses already where some aspect of the existing media was key to the usage. In the latter case, if you can provide a crosslink reference to the new image in the older one and vice versa, that will be extremely helpful.
Again, thank you very much for your contribution, it is appreciated.And also:
- File:WDG - WikiDonne al FLUMEN Festival 2023 04.webp
- File:WDG - WikiDonne al FLUMEN Festival 2023 05.webp
- File:WDG - WikiDonne al FLUMEN Festival 2023 08.webp
0x0a (talk) 12:42, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
- Done. Thank you. Camelia (talk) 17:01, 5 November 2023 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in Toscana
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
L'edizione 2023 di Wiki Loves Monuments si è conclusa. Lo scorso anno non avevamo segnalato l'inizio del concorso perché abbiamo avuto delle metriche di adesione più alte rispetto agli ultimi anni, quindi incentivare il caricamento sarebbe stato controproducente per i partecipanti più occasionali. Anche quest'anno l'adesione è stata alta (anzi nettamente più alta), probabilmente perché c'erano molte foto di chiese (la novità di quest'anno) negli archivi dei partecipanti storici e per questo non è stato inviato un messaggio durante settembre, mantenendo la strategia di massimizzare la promozione durante gli anni di minore partecipazione. I finalisti son stati nel frattempo selezionati e annunciati. Qui troverete il riepiligo con i vincitori. Continuate a seguire i nostri canali social per ulteriori informazioni riguardanti la cerimonia di premiazione, che avrà luogo a Piombino nei prossimi mesi. Tutti i semifinalisti sono cordialmente invitati a partecipare. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista Per informazioni:
Hashtag: #WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesToscana2023 #WikiLovesMonuments #WikiLovesMonuments2023 #WLM2023 |
Inviato da Alexmar983 usando MediaWiki message delivery
Wiki Loves Folklore 2024 has started, Join us!
Hello Camelia.boban,
Greetings from the Wiki Loves Folklore International Team! Wiki Loves Folklore is an international photography contest hosted on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from around the world, such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folktales, folk games, folk religion, mythology, and many more.
The campaign invites participants to document photographs, videos, and audios linked to folk culture and fit within the contest's theme. Through this campaign, you may become a part of a community dedicated to preserving our intangible culture, which has been brought and passed down for thousands of years.
How can I Contribute?
The dates for the submission in the photography contest on Wikimedia Commons are from 1 February 2024 through 31 March 2024. Probably you are wondering how you can take part. It’s simple: grab a camera, record an image, video or audio under the folklore theme and start uploading or Click on Upload Now Icon which is available on right side of Wiki Loves Folklore 2024. To learn more about the rules, check out our Project page on Wikimedia Commons.
Here are the exciting prizes which you can win internationally.
International Prizes
- 1st prize: 400 USD
- 2nd prize: 300 USD
- 3rd prize: 100 USD
- Top 10 consolation prizes: 40 USD (each)
- Best Video prize and best Audio prize: 50 USD (each)
- Top uploader prize for images: First Prize: 300 USD, Second prize: 150 USD
- Wiki Loves Folklore Postcards to top 100 Uploaders
- Certificates and postcards to Local Organizers.
(Disclaimer : The above prizes will only be disbursed in the form of gift card or voucher format only) You can win both International prizes and your local Prizes simultaneously !
If you are interested in participating in the photography campaign, start photographing and collecting media of your local culture and get ready for the photo campaign happening on Wikimedia Commons. For more information about rules and prizes of the contest, refer here. For any questions, email us or join our telegram group here
Warm regards,
Gaurav and Issac
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team.
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 08:02, 3 February 2024 (UTC)
Source of derivative work is not properly indicated: File:WDG - Elvira Popescu su Wikiquote.png
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This file may be deleted. |
A file that you have uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, File:WDG - Elvira Popescu su Wikiquote.png, is a derivative work, containing an "image within an image". Examples of such works would include a photograph of a sculpture, a scan of a magazine cover, or a map that has been altered from the original. In each of these cases, the rights of the creator of the original must be considered, as well as those of the creator of the derivative work.
While the description page states who made this derivative work, it currently doesn't specify who created the original work, so the overall copyright status is unclear. If you did not create the original work depicted in this image, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. Please edit the file description and add the missing information, or the file may be deleted. If you created the original content yourself, enter this information as the source. If someone else created the content, the source should be the address to the web page where you found it, the name and ISBN of the book you scanned it from, or similar. You should also name the author, provide verifiable information to show that the content is in the public domain or has been published under a free license by its author, and add an appropriate template identifying the public domain or licensing status, if you have not already done so. Please add the required information for this and other files you have uploaded before adding more files. If you need assistance, please ask at the help desk. Thank you! |
Didym (talk) 21:04, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
Source of derivative work is not properly indicated: File:WDG - Women in STEM su Commons.png
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This file may be deleted. |
A file that you have uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, File:WDG - Women in STEM su Commons.png, is a derivative work, containing an "image within an image". Examples of such works would include a photograph of a sculpture, a scan of a magazine cover, or a map that has been altered from the original. In each of these cases, the rights of the creator of the original must be considered, as well as those of the creator of the derivative work.
While the description page states who made this derivative work, it currently doesn't specify who created the original work, so the overall copyright status is unclear. If you did not create the original work depicted in this image, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. Please edit the file description and add the missing information, or the file may be deleted. If you created the original content yourself, enter this information as the source. If someone else created the content, the source should be the address to the web page where you found it, the name and ISBN of the book you scanned it from, or similar. You should also name the author, provide verifiable information to show that the content is in the public domain or has been published under a free license by its author, and add an appropriate template identifying the public domain or licensing status, if you have not already done so. Please add the required information for this and other files you have uploaded before adding more files. If you need assistance, please ask at the help desk. Thank you! |
Didym (talk) 21:05, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
Source of derivative work is not properly indicated: File:WDG - STEM Wikiversità.png
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This file may be deleted. |
A file that you have uploaded to Wikimedia Commons, File:WDG - STEM Wikiversità.png, is a derivative work, containing an "image within an image". Examples of such works would include a photograph of a sculpture, a scan of a magazine cover, or a map that has been altered from the original. In each of these cases, the rights of the creator of the original must be considered, as well as those of the creator of the derivative work.
While the description page states who made this derivative work, it currently doesn't specify who created the original work, so the overall copyright status is unclear. If you did not create the original work depicted in this image, you will need to specify the owner of the copyright. Please edit the file description and add the missing information, or the file may be deleted. If you created the original content yourself, enter this information as the source. If someone else created the content, the source should be the address to the web page where you found it, the name and ISBN of the book you scanned it from, or similar. You should also name the author, provide verifiable information to show that the content is in the public domain or has been published under a free license by its author, and add an appropriate template identifying the public domain or licensing status, if you have not already done so. Please add the required information for this and other files you have uploaded before adding more files. If you need assistance, please ask at the help desk. Thank you! |
Didym (talk) 21:05, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
- Hi @Didym, I filled the missing informations (that is a derivative works as screenshot of Wikimedia projects, the source, the license with the link to the Creative Commons page), please let me know if anything else is requested. Thank you, Camelia (talk) 21:44, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
- Actually, you should link every single image used, not just the pages. --Didym (talk) 21:51, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
- @Didym this means precision. Here, here, here, here, no attribution is needed, they are in CC0/PD. For the others in Scuole/STEM in WV, done; for the screenshot in Commons, they are many, will take me some time. Camelia (talk) 23:30, 18 February 2024 (UTC)
- Added files and authors for Women in STEM category in Commons image too. As many files were not available anymore (were deleted from the first version in 2018 till now), I also ulpoaded a new screenshot. Camelia (talk) 18:00, 23 March 2024 (UTC)
- @Didym this means precision. Here, here, here, here, no attribution is needed, they are in CC0/PD. For the others in Scuole/STEM in WV, done; for the screenshot in Commons, they are many, will take me some time. Camelia (talk) 23:30, 18 February 2024 (UTC)
- Actually, you should link every single image used, not just the pages. --Didym (talk) 21:51, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
Wiki Loves Monuments 2023 in Toscana - Premiazione
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Ciao, un messaggio da alcune utenze del gruppo locale Toscana
L'edizione 2023 di Wiki Loves Monuments si concluderà a breve con la cerimonia regionale. I semifinalisti, come ogni edizione, sono invitati alla cerimonia di premiazione che quest'anno si terrà dalle 16:00 alle 18:00 di sabato 16 marzo p.v. a Piombino (LI) nella sala consiliare. Come sempre, si consiglia di seguire i canali sociali. per non ricevere più questa tipologia di messaggi rimuovi il tuo nome da questa lista Per informazioni:
Hashtag: #WikiLovesToscana #WikiLovesToscana2023 #WikiLovesMonuments #WikiLovesMonuments2023 #WLM2023 |
Alexmar983 tramite --MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 19:53, 14 March 2024 (UTC)
Thank you for organizing Wiki Loves Folklore 2024
Dear Camelia.boban,
I hope this message finds you well.
First and foremost, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the initiative and organizing Wiki Loves Folklore 2024 in your country. Your dedication and hard work have significantly contributed to the success of this international photography contest.
Together, as a global community, we have achieved remarkable results, with over 41,000 images submitted by approximately 1,900 users from around the world. This incredible accomplishment stands as a testament to the collaborative spirit and passion for folklore preservation that drives our efforts.
In light of the conclusion of the contest, I kindly request your valuable insights and feedback on your experience as an organizer. Your perspective is invaluable in helping us understand the challenges you may have encountered and the opportunities for improvement. Your input will enable us to refine our approach and make future iterations of Wiki Loves Folklore even more impactful.
I understand that your time is precious, but I sincerely urge you to spare just 10 minutes from your busy schedule to fill out the feedback form linked below:
Click here to redirect to feedback form
Your feedback will not only benefit our immediate understanding but also contribute to the long-term success and relevance of this project. Your input matters greatly to us, and we are eager to learn from your experiences.
Once again, thank you for your unwavering commitment to Wiki Loves Folklore 2024. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed, and we are immensely grateful for your contribution.
Wishing you continued success in all your endeavors.
Warm regards,
Wiki Loves Folklore International Team #WeTogether
MediaWiki message delivery (talk) 06:33, 7 April 2024 (UTC)
- Form filled. And thanks to the whole team for the support. Camelia (talk) 13:24, 7 April 2024 (UTC)