Newsletter Ads Are Growing

newsletter-ads-areThe Internet has already proven itself as the most powerful venue for advertising in the modern age, with reach that cannot be matched by traditional media and a cost of entry that is scalable enough that even small businesses can afford to run advertising campaigns that span the globe. However, most businesses these days fail to realize its full potential because they still treat the Internet like print or broadcast media, not knowing that there are better alternatives online.

Some marketers DO understand that the Internet is an entirely different beast, and has taken their campaigns to newsletters, which is why newsletter ads have been growing at a steady pace these past few years. There are a number of reasons why newsletters are outpacing the growth of other forms of advertising on the Internet, such as:

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Newsletters Are Simple and Highly Efficient

Marketing sometimes mirrors the principles of survival of the fittest, in which the most efficient – and most likely to survive – species are the ones that are simplest. In this line of thinking, newsletters are very powerful because it’s a simple enough concept. It’s basically a magazine that’s been stripped down to its bare necessities: a single article with a single ad, mailed directly to consumers on a regular basis.

Aside from being simple, newsletters are also extremely efficient because it’s personal. Not to get too fancy in the use of words here, but it’s more of a covenant between the company and the reader because when a person subscribes to your list, they invite you into their inbox on a regular basis. Traditional ads are invasive because they are usually forced on people who came for something else and just got an advertisement without asking for it. E-newsletters, on the other hand, are expected, permitted, and most of the time sought after by its recipients.

With Newsletters, You Get People Who Are Willing to Hear Your Pitch

If you liken ads to a salesman, traditional advertising is the equivalent of a door-to-door salesman who picks households to enter at random. Chances are the amount of sales he’s going to make are not going to amount to much compared to the amount of households he’s had to enter. A newsletter ad, on the other hand, is the equivalent of a salesman that people call and invite over in order to make a presentation. The ratio of sales to households is going to be much higher and he’s going to find it easier to build a relationship with customers.

Newsletters Are Cost-Efficient

Newsletter ads are extremely cost-efficient. A campaign can be run for the fraction of the cost you would normally incur with traditional advertising channels, on both sides – from the cost of running the advertising channel itself as well as the ad rates. Add the fact that they tend to work better (see reasons above) and it could even reach the point where the ad practically pays for itself.

At the end of the day, whether you’re an ad publisher or an advertiser, the benefits provided by newsletter ads continue to grow and will continue to do so the more that people realize its terrific benefits.


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